Every other year, the Chelmsford Quilt Guild makes a group project to raise money for our expenses and to share with another local charity.
Previous Quilts
 2024 Guild Quilt: A Field of Dreams
Original quilt design: Joyce Carbonneau, Sharon Borgin, and Diane Casavant
Applique design: Diane Casavant
Quilt piecing: Joyce Carbonneau and Anne Gallo
Quilting: Laura Sexton
Proceeds to be shared between our guild and the Lowell Transitional Living Center.
 Chelmsford Quilt 2022. Made by Peggy Lapin. Proceeds shared between our Guild and The Wish Project.
 Chelmsford Quilt 2018. Coordinated by Maryann Geiser and Amy Lindsay. Made by members of the guild. Proceeds to be shared between our Guild and the Lowell Transitional Living Center.
 Chelmsford Quilt 2017. Made by Anne Gallo. Proceeds shared between the New England Quilt Museum, and the guild.
 Chelmsford Quilt 2016. Made by Jackie Kudron. Proceeds shared between Alternative House, Days For Girls, and the guild.
 "Owl" 2014-2015 was designed by Debbie Janes and Anne Gallo. The background is from a pattern by Barbara Becker. The applique design is from a pattern by Toni Whitney
 Back View of "Owl" quilt 2014-2015, raised money for the House of Hope and our Guild. Quilted by Cricket Lomicka.
"Chelmsford Star", 2008. Proceeds shared with New England Quilt Museum. Designers: B. Foote-Lacroix, Carol Smith, Eileen Ryan, Cathy Koufogazos, Anne Gallo, Jeanne Glenfield, Sharon Bogin. Quilter: Michelle Pflaum.
"Chelmsford Rose" 2006. Designed by B. Foote-LaCroix and Eileen Ryan. Proceeds to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Lowell.
Chelmsford Quilt 2004. Blocks made by members. Assembled by Sue Lerch. Hand quilted by members. Pattern: Interwoven Diamonds from Quilters Cache by Marcia Hohn.
 Chelmsford Quilt 2001. Blocks by members. Hand quilted.
Chelmsford Quilt 1999.
Chelmsford Quilt 1997.
Chelmsford Quilt 1996.
Chelmsford Quilt 1995. Proceeds went to Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, Boston Chapter, in honor of our past president Sally Osborn.
"Road to Oklahoma" auctioned off in 1993 to benefit Camp Paul and the Chelmsford Quilters' Guild.
Jean Whiting writes: " I was quilt chair that year. Members contributed a huge amount of blocks, our committee assembled the quilt (Sandra Ludwig, Marie Philippon, Faye Trask and me). Members hand quilted it over Memorial day."
"Road to S. Louie". Chelmsford Quilt 1991.
Chelmsford Quilt 1990.
Chelmsford Quilt 1989.
Chelmsford Quilt 1987.
Chelmsford Quilt - unknown date.