This is a great use for scraps, especially left-over 2.5" strips from other projects.)
35 strips of 2.5" by 20" of "outside" fabric
35 3" squares of "inside" fabric
Note: You should be able to get 7 of 20" x 2.5" strips
from a fat quarter. You will need at least 5 fat quarters of
outer fabric. More fabric will make a "scrappier" look.
3/4 yard fabric for border
1/2 yard fabric for binding (less if same as borders)
fabric for backing
thread for piecing
thread for quilting (if desired)
floss or crochet thread for tying (if desired)
Rotary cutter, mat, and appropriate ruler
Sewing machine and basic sewing supplies
Iron and ironing board
For each strip of "outside" fabric:
- Cut two 3" rectangles (2.5" x 3")
- Cut two 7" rectangles (2.5" x 7")
Keep these blocks together by fabric
Lay one center (3" square) face up on your work table.
- Lay one smaller (3" x 2.5") "outside" block face down, aligning right sides.
- Sew a scant 1/4" seam.
- Repeat will all other center squares.
- Press seams towards the "outside" fabric.
You will have 35 5"x 3" units.
Sew the second "outside block to the left side the 3" square.
(Be sure to use the same "outside" fabric as you used on the right side.)
- Repeat with the rest of the blocks
- Press seams towards the "outside" fabric.
You will have 35 7"x 3" units.
Lay one center unit face up on your work table.
- Lay one 7"x 2.5" matching "outside" fabric block aligned wit the top.
- Sew seam.
- Press seams towards the "outside" fabric.
You will have 35 7"x 5" square cobblestone blocks.
Repeat with the last "outside" fabric strip and the bottom of the block.
- Press seams towards the "outside" fabric.
You will have 35 7"x 7" square cobblestone blocks.
- Lay out blocks in a configuration that pleases you.
You can press seams to one side, or if you prefer you can press seams open.
- Sew the blocks in each row together.
- Sew the rows together.
Now, add the border:
- Measure the two short sides of the quilt.
- Cut border fabric 5" by the measurement taken in step 18.
- Sew each short side border to the quilt top.
- Press seams towards the borders.
- Measure the long short sides of the quilt.
- For the two longer borders, cut three 5" strips from your border fabric
- Cut one of these strips in half.
- Sew one long and one short strip of border fabric together.
- Press seam to one side.
- Cut 5" pieced border strip by the measurement taken in step 22.
- Sew each long side border to the quilt top.
- Press seams towards the borders.
And, finish the quilt:
- Layer backing, batting, and pieced top.
- Baste with thread or safety pins if quilting.
Quilt as desired, or simply tie the quilt with a knot in the middle of each square.
- Trim edges.
- Make binding and apply it to the quilt.
For more details on finishing the quilt, there are a number of very good books for beginning quilters in our library or you can consult any number of web sites, such as About.com's Quilting pages.
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